I think that we have the same problem, I have a brand new iPhone 5s with huge battery drain and I went and had it checked and they said the battery was okay. Just out of curiosity, are you using Bluetooth? Also, how much free space do you have? I am trying to figure out why some people are affected and others are not
It has a removeable rubber cover(stays on better than a hard plastic one) to protect the protruding connector when not plugged in, and in the bottom it has a connection the same as the iphone etc so this is where you plug in your cable to charge it up. It has a little button on the top right which when pressed will light up, up to 4 of the blue led's to show what state of charge it is in, the finish is nice, shiny black with a small chrome outlining just about visible in the pic
Apple iPhone 6 review - CNET
In other words, if you don't need the larger screen, you aren't sacrificing much by sticking with the iPhone 5S (running iOS 8) until the next generation drops. In terms of screen size, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 will probably be more than enough for anyone upgrading from a 4-inch (iPhone 5 or 5S) or 3.5-inch screen (all previous iPhone models)
The battery drained fast...can someone help me? Sent from the iMore App 0 1 year ago Reply felface i had an iPhone 4s that would run out in literally half an hour it got to the stage where it could barely be on without being charged now i realise what a good idea setting up my 5s as new was and georgia in respects to loosing your game data about half of my apps if not three quarters had some cloud save or account or link which meant the first time i opened up the app i was able to retrieve my game data 0 1 year ago Reply Premium1 Sadly apple needs to focus more on battery life than paper thin devices. 0 1 year ago Reply Rhonda Gayle Melton Is it true that with ios7 you can't stop apps from running like u could before? 0 1 year ago Reply Rhonda Gayle Melton How do you stop apps from running on iPhone 5 iOS 7? 0 1 year ago Reply dgbrock Simple
My hope is that not only can I describe how I went about troubleshooting the problem, but call upon others who have experienced poor battery performance to comment here so that we may be better able to pinpoint common issues. What I know is this: The combination of crash reports provided by the iPhone and System Activity Monitor helped me determine that I had an issue with contact syncing that caused my iPhone to drain with alarming rapidity
What to do if you drop your iPhone in water
Reply Anabel Camargo says November 16, 2012 at 12:18 am I just dropped my fone in the toilet and immediately dried it out and set it in a bowl of rice, my flash is also on and it wont turn off although its blinking as if it were to turn of but then it turns right back on, it fades then brightens. Insuring it soon lol Reply Elizabeth says April 17, 2013 at 8:18 pm How do you get the sim card out? Reply Elise says April 19, 2013 at 6:53 pm i was just running a bath, and my friend texted me so naturally i replied
The total package Taken as a whole Apple has produced what can only be described as a stunningly beautiful piece of industrial design that may or may not be tragically flawed by what first seemed a very clever part of that design. So we're going to focus here not so much on the facts but on the feeling -- what are the key new iOS 4 software features like to use on iPhone 4? For comparative context, here's what it looks like on iPhone 3GS
More so I plug it in to charge when I have some downtime from my phone, to keep it near fully charged most of the day.Well worth the money, and no more having to try and find a plug to plug my phone into throughout the day. Please try again 4 of 4 people found the following review helpfulTHE BEST portable charger around! By jbx2usa on May 21, 2009 I purchased one of these straight from the Richard Solo website and I have to say that is has lived up to my expectations so far
28 Tips for Better iPhone Battery Life (iOS 8 Updated)
There are ways to conserve iPhone battery life, but many of them involve turning off services and features, which makes it a choice between all the cool things that the iPhone can do and having enough juice to do them. It's subtle, but if you move your iPhone and watch the app icons and background image, you'll see them move slightly independently of each other, as if they're on different planes
I had a ton of widgets and other things on my screens that I have since turned off hoping that I could at least get to work and back without completely draining the battery. Put the battery back in without the memory card because I was told that the app could still be on the memory card even tho it is uninstalled? I still have the same issue
If you receive 50 notifications during the day and never act on them, that will add 4 to 8 minutes to your Usage time, meaning you now have that much less time to do things you actually want to do on your device. Basically, Instruments acts as an Activity Monitor for your iPhone, allowing developers (or nerds like me) to see every process currently running and how much memory and processing power each app is using in real-time
Living with the Apple iPhone 6: battery life, or my secret life as a wall-hugger (part 3)
buccob (Posts: 2023; Member since: 19 Jun 2012) Yes, I only talked about Ultra Stamina to better compare it to the Galaxy Saver mode on the comment above... I recently opted for an unknown brand of phone with a whopping 4,500 mAh battery and I can joyfully go 2-3 days without recharging (except that I have to comply with one of the tips above.) posted on 09 Feb 2015, 13:10 2 Reply 34
Apple - Batteries - Maximizing Performance
Learn more about updating Watch OS There are a few ways you can preserve battery life on your Apple Watch: During running and walking workouts, turn on Power Saving Mode to disable the heart rate sensor. To pair the Bluetooth chest strap with your watch, make sure the strap is in pairing mode, then open Settings on Apple Watch, select Bluetooth, and choose from the list of Health Devices
What does a red battery and lightning bolt underneath on my iphone mean - How do i turn on my iphone 4s even though the battery is charging for a week and its showing low battery and the apple sign and its charging right now :: Ask Me Fast
is this a battery problem? unit is less than a month?Charger wire symbol on completely dead iphone 5cI cannot turn my samsung s275g cell phone off so that i can recharge the battery properly. now the battery id dead and the note will not even turn?My galaxy s2 will not charge battery is completely dead when i plug charger in nothing happens not even a battery sign what should i do?Phone is dead showing battery with the charger and a lightning boltI have a nikon camara and the battery charger has a dead battery in it
Ironically, the Apple bias that made me reluctant to blame them also made me reluctant to believe that they would provide the system-level diagnostics to solve the problem. Thanks also for pointing out the existence and location of those iOS logs, which I was unaware of until now! November 21, 2012 at 6:11 pm yelena says: I did not understand a half of it, but I knew it was apple!!!! December 5, 2012 at 1:50 pm Prune says: Thanks Josh
Unlock iPhone 4, Jailbreak iPhone - How To Unlock iPhone
These new editions come just in time for those out there who would like to own an iOS device and see what Apple Music is all about without having to buy and iPhone or iPad. TaiG had released a jailbreak for firmwares up to iOS 8.3 the week before iOS 8.4 went public and a lot of people in the jailbreak community were worries that Apple would patch the exploits being used before the final release of iOS 8.4
You can and should also reduce screen drain by setting your phone's screen lock to kick on as quickly as possible, reducing the amount of time the screen is needlessly lit. Turn off notifications It's handy to get notifications when an app wants to tell you something, but it also means that your iPhone is always keeping track of what the app is up to, which burns battery power
iPhone 4S: 4 Fastest Ways To Drain Battery - InformationWeek
8 megapixel rear facing that takes 1080p video, has a 1.2 ghz dual core processor and a 4 in screen (which is admittedly not as nice as the iphone's, but i'll take the extra real estate) oh yeah, and 4g too. Oh yeah and the processor is bigger too, but there is a lot of intelligent CPU control that goes on behind the scenes in Android phones, not sure if Apple phones have that yet
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Why is my battery draining so fast? - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com
No matter what I try to do, whether its lowering the brightness on screen, clearing the data cache via the recovery menu, disabling certain apps, turning off location services etc
Why is my battery draining so quickly? - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com
Only sync or push mail, turn off all other google products you don't use so its not looking for them (photos, browser, picasa etc), turn off face book sync (notifications are ok), twitter sync, any messenger syncs, as they will all update when you open them and you will see a tremendous jump in battery life. That is, you can add the larger display to the higher standby battery usage, and turn on mobile data, and so on, and the battery usage picture just gets worse
Other Articles From Payette Forward iPhone 6 Battery Draining Fast? How To Check iOS 8 Battery Usage Why Does My iPhone Get Hot? My Battery Drains Too! The Fix. Did you know your iPhone has been tracking you everywhere you go? Yes, buried deep within the Settings app is a feature that allows your iPhone to track and record your location everywhere you go
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