Monday 20 July 2015

How old was noah when god told him to build the ark

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Picture this ongoing scenario: Businessmen, farmers, woodsmen, shepherds and their families talked about and mocked Noah and his sons for building an enormous boat on dry land. 20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come to you, to keep them alive

NOAH, the ARK and the FLOOD: paintings of the Bible story
Art comes in all forms and this model, built as instruction for a child, shows the way the stories of the Bible permeated daily life during the 19th century. But later in his career, in Venice, he became more romantic, his painting richer in color, softer and more technically skilled - as in 'The Drunken Noah'

Guess what was found? The base of a DEER ANTLER; Petrified ANIMAL DUNG (Copralite); CAT HAIR; HUMAN HAIR; and this is very weird - Man-made material like fibre-optic type threads. Largest creatures we have that SURVIVED The Flood were Mammoths and young "dinosaurs" "Big lizards" - BUT THEY NEVER GROW AS BIG NOW (cos they don't live as long) and man killed off most of them in the ensuring 3000 years after The Ark touched down
Can God repent? (6) "And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." Is this a contradiction? Can God repent? I don't think it is. These Giants or Nephilim (from the Hebrew naphal which means "fall", Morris pg 172, The Genesis Record) existed before the flood, and apparently after that according to verse 4

Noah's Ark: the facts behind the Flood - Telegraph
(Another interesting matter: the Babylonian flood story in cuneiform is 1,000 years older than the Book of Genesis in Hebrew, but reading the two accounts together demonstrates their close, literary relationship. They belong, like dugout canoes and rafts, to the most practical stratum of invention: natural resources giving rise to simple solutions that can hardly be improved upon

The World: Before the Flood
There is every reason to assume that the garden of Eden was obliterated at the time of the Noachian deluge! In other words, it's quite likely that the cherubim (the Bible does not state how many were so assigned) were stationed at the entries of the garden of Eden, perhaps one-sixth of all humanity until now. The average recipitation over the globe is about 1m annually, so there must be a rapid turnover of water in the air; the average water molecule spends about 9 days in the air before precipitating back to the surface...

Location of Noah's ark - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
17) 4th Century - Bishop Epiphanius of Salamis "Do you seriously suppose that we are unable to prove our point, when even to this day the remains of Noah's Ark are shown in the country of the Kurds? Why, were one to search diligently, doubtless one would also find at the foot of the mountain the remnants of the altar where Noah, on leaving the Ark, tarried to offer clean and fatly animals as a sacrifice to the Lord God" (LaHaye p.21). the explorers found it filled for the greater part with ice, the interior being partitioned off into compartments about twelve or fifteen feet high..." (LaHaye p

Noah's Ark - Conservapedia's_Ark
You shall make a window for the ark, and finish it to a cubit from the top; and set the door of the ark in the side of it; you shall make it with lower, second, and third decks. Criticisms Supporters of Noah's ark contend that such a craft was entirely possible for ancients to build and would have been very seaworthy whereas the Epic of Gilgamesh's ark was not seaworthy
I wonder if Noah was ridiculed for his righteousness? If he was, there is no doubt that the reward was worth the ridicule! I told the children yesterday, that whenever you see the rainbow in the sky to remember Noah. BUT ABOUT NOAHS ARK, I HAVE A JIGSAW OF THE ARK AND THE EXIT FROM IT BY ALL OF THE ANIMALS, BUT THERE IS A PIECE MISSING, AND SO I HAVE HUNG IT IN A PICTURE FRAME IN OUR STAIR WELL AT A HEIGHT THAT NO ONE CAN NOTICE THAT A PIECE IS MISSING, AND SO TO ALL IT IS COMPLETE

What is the Meaning of Noah and the Ark?
Although it is unknown to most of humanity, the fact is that religious and mystical literature was always written for a specially educated, small group, who in turn provided from that literature the tiny servings they felt would help the uneducated. John Collier painted this portrait of a Greek Baccante with her symbolic items: the skin of the slain animal desire, the wreath of victory on her head, and in her hand, the staff topped by a pine cone, symbol of the awakened pineal gland, the "seat of the soul," the "eye of Brahma," or in other words, the source of spiritual vision
"You who laid the foundations of the earth, so that it should not be moved forever, You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. Keep in mind that the whole Flood period was a miracle of God, and I see no reason not to believe that He could keep saltwater fish alive during the event
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Can you stay loyal to what is right even if your friends make fun of you? Are you thankful for the things God has provided for you and your family? This story about Noah can be found in the Bible in Genesis chapters 6-9. However, he was loyal to the Lord and continued to follow Him, even when God told him to build a big boat and the people made fun of him during the time he and his sons were building the ark
If Noah was 480 years old when God told him to build an Ark and 600 when the Flood came, it is reasonable to assume that the construction of the Ark took place during this 120 year period (See Gen. The Extent of the Flood If the science of geology did not exist, and we only had Genesis chapters 6-8., what would we conclude from a normal reading of Scripture about the extent of the Flood? There is little doubt that a universal Flood is meant

Noah's Ark
A number of explorers have gone up this huge mountain looking for remains of the ark, but they have not found anything definite.Why Is Everything in the Bible Story of Noah Repeated Twice? Bible scholars believe the book of Genesis was made up of several different ancient versions of its stories. (The differences are lost when the story is translated into English.) The two sources are obvious in the story of Noah, where they are woven together and almost every detail is told twice
The global extent of the Flood is referred to more than 30 times in Genesis 6-9 alone! In Isaiah 54:9, God states, "I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the Earth." Peter delivered a clear global warning, confirming that God created the Earth, devastated it by the Flood, and will one day destroy it again by fire (2 Peter 3:5-7). If only those animals in a specific geographic location died, it would seem unnecessary for God to protect pairs in the ark for the express purpose of preventing their extinction

Noah's Ark Discovered -- again
The story of the flood is closely connected with the story of the creation, a cycle of creation, un-creation, and re-creation, in which the ark plays a pivotal role. Among other issues are the immense difficulties of explaining how collecting, housing, watering, feeding and caring for very large numbers of animals in a wooden ship smaller than many modern ships could be achieved

Noah's Ark: The Story
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Notice a few items from the following section of the Gilgamesh Epic: 1) A fourteen day downpour (as opposed to forty), 2) The theme of multiple gods (as opposed to one), 3) A raven (as opposed to a dove) and 4) Mount Nisir (as opposed to Mount Ararat which is 350 miles away from Mount Nisir)

Noah and the Ark (Children's Church Lesson)
Have you ever done something right? (allow for responses) Do you follow God and what He wants you to do? Can you imagine if you and your family were the only ones on earth who followed God. Teaching Plan: God Saves Noah from the Flood Welcome Activity Welcome activities are things to have out for the children to do as they are arriving for class

The Story of Noah
When the ark was done God gave Noah 7 days warning before the flood to get all the animals and food on board, and told him that He would send rain for 40 days and 40 nights. It's hard to describe how big the ark actually was but if you think of some of the biggest animals you know (elephant, moose, buffalo, giraffe, rhino, gorilla) and make sure you have 2 of each of those plus all the other little animals that couldn't be stepped on...they needed a lot of room! Some people think it took over 100 years to build the ark and the Bible says that Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came

Noah Got Drunk! and Naked! -- God Never Faults Him! -- Neither Does Anyone in the Bible! -- WHY?
Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Few survived, among them, 17 coal miners managed to dig their way to freedom in nearly 14 hours after the landslide.Many people discuss what caused 3 square kilometers of valley to be devoured in under 100 seconds

How long did it take Noah to build the ark?
Because it was built on the 1:6 ratio (50 cubits: 300 cubits) modern naval architecture reveals is the most stable for ocean going vessels, it would be almost impossible to turn the ship over!Concerning your question about the length of time it took to complete Noah's ship, there is nowhere in Scripture that supports it taking one hundred and twenty years to construct it. It was because he feared the Lord that God chose him to build an ark (ship) to save animals from extinction.The ark not only was it the biggest ship built up to that time, it would be the largest sailing vessel man would construct until around the 1800's A.D.! It displaced (at a draught of 15 cubits) more than 22,000 tons of water

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