Monday 20 July 2015

Insert multiple records using one insert statement in sql server 2008

Top sites by search query "insert multiple records using one insert statement in sql server 2008"

Also, the code above requires two round trips to the database; one trip to find the record, the SELECT statement and a second trip to execute the appropriate DML (UPDATE or INSERT). Jeff has been developing software with Microsoft tools for more than 15 years in a variety of industries including: military, manufacturing, financial services, management consulting, and computer security

Insert Update Edit Delete Rows Record In GridView
Can i have the code for my requirement which is i am having the Data in the database as followsId Name FileName 1 Dorababu dora.doc 2 ABCDEFGH Abc.PdfThe file names are displayed in grid view as link button what i need is when i click on that particular file name it should ask like this Open save cancel as we have when we are downloading the attached document of our mail

how to insert date in sql server 2008 - CodeProject
Posted 25-Oct-13 5:00am balu katuri460 Edited 25-Oct-13 5:08am gvprabu7.8K v2 Add a Solution 4 solutions Top Rated Most Recent Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote. But by preference, if you are inserting from an application, pass a DateTime object via a parameterised query instead of supplying a string , and it will not longer matter what format you pass

Generating Insert or Update statements from table data using SQL Server - CodeProject
Anyone using SQL Server on a frequent basis should learn the in's and out's of the metadata built into the system tables - there is virtually nothing that can't be accomplished with a bit of tinkering, some lateral thinking, and clever script. License This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL) Share email twitter facebook linkedin reddit google+ About the Author Bruce Chapman DNN Product Manager DNN Corp Australia Bruce Chapman is the Product Manager for Cloud Services at DNN

INSERT INTO using SELECT and values, and inserting multiple rows - Microsoft SQL Server
I suggest you post your (fully explained) question (that can potentially include a link to this thread) in a new thread which will be dedicated to answering your problem. However, there are two different ways of specifying where the data should come FROM :SELECT and FROM clauses with other optional clauses just like a standard SELECT query

MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: 13.2.5 INSERT Syntax
The columns for which the statement provides values can be specified as follows: You can provide a comma-separated list of column names following the table name. SELECT, the statement returns an information string in this format: Records: 100 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 Records indicates the number of rows processed by the statement

Insert multiple values using INSERT INTO (SQL Server 2005) - Stack Overflow
The help documentation I found in SQL Server Management Studio looks like it's for SQL Server 2008, so perhaps that's the reason that the insert doesn't work. When I looked up the help for INSERT in SQL Sever Management Studio, one of their examples showed using the "Values" syntax that I used (with groups of values in parentheses and separated by commas)

Inserting multiple rows in one SQL statement
Updating indexes is often the slowest part of inserting rows into a table, and inserting several at one time only rebuilds the index once (after all the rows are added) rather than once per row. Why I used UNION ALL instead of UNION UNION ALL will offer significantly better performance than UNION, because the UNION command assumes that if there are duplicates they should be removed (mathematically speaking, the union of two sets includes only one copy of the overlapped region.) If you use UNION ALL, it keeps both copies of the overlapped region
I've tried this code, to no avail: DECLARE @blah TABLE ( ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @blah (ID, Name) VALUES (123, 'Timmy') VALUES (124, 'Jonny') VALUES (125, 'Sally') SELECT * FROM @blah I'm getting Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VALUES'. please, someone who has done this before, help me out :) INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (ID, Name) VALUES (123, 'Timmy'), (124, 'Jonny'), (125, 'Sally') I know that this is close to the right syntax
you need to have one table that stores personal details, lets say TableA Another table that stores Test results, lets say TableB Another table that stores Medicines, lets Say TableC And one common key that joins these tables, meaning implementing one to many relation ship, by creating foreign key constraints on tables. On the same DB I m running another insert query using Union all to insert data in 11 columns this is taking 1 sec for 1000 records but other query which is inserting data in 20 columns taking 5 sec
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