Monday 20 July 2015

Obama birth certificate fake in adobe illustrator - official proof snopes

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Business Technology News and Commentary - InformationWeek
2 Comments NBA CIO Focuses On Analytics, Data And Fans 7 Comments SnapLogic CEO Talks About Changing Role Of IT 8 Comments Changing IT Organizations: Anaplan 1 Comments Accenture Strategy Talks Digital Strategy ..
This is irrefutable evidence that Liu has simply used photoshopping techniques to create his startling effect, at least in these two photos.This is no great discovery on my part, I'm merely pointing out the obvious. Why would Silverstein would have said "pull it" rather than "pull them"? Why was such an ambiguous statement in the show to begin with? If they had wanted us to have a clear statement, they surely would have given us one
However, all stock market crashes have been preceded by Hindenburg Omens; so when the market is weak and this weakness is preceded by a Hindenburg Omen, caution is suggested. Possibly the Fed has actually triggered renewed fears of deflation and the stock-market decline that it has been so egregiously postponing with its money-printing bonanza
Considering that Journolist included journalists from Washington Post, the New York Times, National Public Radio, New Republic, and Time, one has to wonder if the biggest story covered up in 2008 was the illegal coordination between ACORN and the Obama campaign. There are couple of buildings in the area and I got intelligence education myself in one of them back in 1987, (15 Yaroslavskaya Street, Moscow Russia)
He said he believes in all kinds of religion well if your a christian you believe in one god and only one god AND THAT GOD CREATED EVERYTHING EVEN JESUS. While you may have been praying for your particular candidate, I was praying that we would use our God-given brains to vote wisely to select the president who will be the best person to lead us out of the mess of the past 8 years

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Illiquid stocks are not good for a quick trade, and the buy and sell price are normally quite different due to low volume and lack of interest, whereas (MORE) 9 people found this useful What would you like to do? Flag Kodiakcathy 12,680 Contributions Answered In Beef Roast Can you freeze cooked roast beef? Meats freeze and keep well in the freezer. Latest Articles Fun Facts About Women of Congress Most Conservative Colleges in America 8 Powerhouse Political Moms 15 Nazis Who Committed Heinous Crimes 10 Things You Never Knew About The White House 10 Reasons Why People Say Obamacare Is Working If Secretary Glickman Were Elected Speaker of the House Tomorrow..

Obama Visits Mosque on 4th of July - Victoria Jackson
Joe Smith We are busy working as we are conservatives and respond by priority and since you are too stupid to understand ,why waste time on you until I had nothing better to do. Everyone who is attempting to impose a world-and-life view on a majority (or on a ruling minority) always uses some version of the liberty doctrine to buy himself and his movement some time, some organizational freedom, and some power
Having said that, you have the answers so I hope you are right because you want to believe what you are told from the sources you get, which are one sided as well. ellen None of which shows that Obama was born in a foreign country or is not a Natural Born Citizen or was not elected president back on November 6, 2012

Yep, the birthers are still trying. in Brigade General Forum Forum
How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".3. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.As they had with the Certification of Live Birth made public by the Obama campaign in June 2008, birthers immediately claimed that the long form birth certificate was also a forgery
Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate. I agreed with the idea of working toward change, of a third political party and the new ideas the Tea Party stood for, until violence and war became the call
It will take decades to undo the damage he has done to the nation, its economy, its standing in the world and our Constitution, thanks to all the brain dead, uneducated, mindless sheep who swept their messiah into office. So, why should Obama? ssilv48 ss, are you going by the falsified one's???? Are you the biggest idiot on the planet earth?????? Why shouldn't oboma????? Let me see idiot, Romney, McCain, Clinton, bush, Reagan, ford or Nixon did not have any college records that showed them as foreign students that came back to America on foreign aid

New Evidence in Obama Birth Certificate Investigation
I'm a so sick of dems saying that we don't care about other people! The vast majority of people, regardless of political affiliation, would help someone else if they really needed it because it is the right thing to do...NOT because they are in a political party! Our beef is that the government has no business in OUR business. Carolyn Ferrante ellen -- On the birth certificate shown online, the name of the hospital cited was not in existence at the time of the birth date on the certificate

Barack Obama : The Birth Certificate Controversy
Obama II, by virtue of birth to a USA citizen and an alien, on USA soil, is a USA citizen, but not a NBC, thus ineligible to be a candidate for the election of a US president. But "semantics" aside, there is one aspect of this issue with which I take umbrage: why was his birth record sealed? While the controversy has swirled around the legitimacy of his birth record, no one has explained why his record was sealed in the first place

Blogger shows Obama birth certificate artifacts caused by Xerox machine: no joy in Birtherville - Obama Conspiracy Theories
Now he has ignored all the findings to insist that the orientation of the images are incorrect, even though we have already educated him on how this leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the original document was scanned upside down and rotated 180 degrees in preview. Yes, this led us to the conclusion that the document was scanned upside down: This explains the orientation of the images as well as their 8 bit alignment
Another scenario was that the parties that colluded in producing the fraudulent birth certificate were careless and produced a second-rate forgery that could be broken by anyone with a working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator. Given the tremendous deceit from the Obama regime and from the state of Hawaii up to this point, a reasonable person can only reject this electronic birth certificate
Paul Irey, a retired professional typographer with 50 years experience in his business, also said the fact that the typed letters on the document are different make it a forgery. Stunningly, Tremblay later told WND that he wants the Fox News story corrected, claiming it deliberately misquoted him and continues to ignore his repeated requests
"We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawaii," Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. The primary arguments advanced to demonstrate that the certificate was forged were claims that some textual elements of the certificate were anachronistic, and that the existence of layers found when the PDF file was opened with Adobe Illustrator proved that it had been altered

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