The compile time table cardinality is stored in the plan and if the statement is executed again with the same cardinality (either due to flow of control statements or reuse of a cached plan) no recompile occurs. As a side bar, recompiles with Temp Tables can occur with the addition of data and whether the DDL for the temp table is interlaced with the DML or not
Microsoft SQL Server interview questions for DBA and database developer positions: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi's home page
How to determine the service pack currently installed on SQL Server? The global variable @@Version stores the build number of the sqlservr.exe, which is used to determine the service pack installed. Check out BEGIN TRAN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVE TRAN and @@TRANCOUNT What is an extended stored procedure? Can you instantiate a COM object by using T-SQL? An extended stored procedure is a function within a DLL (written in a programming language like C, C++ using Open Data Services (ODS) API) that can be called from T-SQL, just the way we call normal stored procedures using the EXEC statement
To that end, I initially planned on this series of posts being comprised of 3 main parts:...More IdeaXchange IdeaXchange is timely, provocative, tech-savvy content for SQL Server Pro readers
In fact we use this method every night to remake tables with 70 000 lines that we use for statistics which are based on a view using 5 tables and reasonably complicated conditions and totals: the users can query the table in less than five seconds, compared to about two minutes for the view. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your account
tsql - Doing a join across two databases with different collations on SQL Server and getting an error - Stack Overflow
Fact of the matter is we use all "normal" latin characters that English speaking people would consider the entire alphabet and this whole thing will be out of use in a few months so a bandaid is all I need. Problem is that besides not knowing about JOINs he also seems to have had a fetish for multiple databases and surprise, surprise they use different collations
Select the desired output options of Script to file, Script to Clipboard or Script New Query Window.3 Clicking on Finish button will generate a review screen containing the required objects along with script generating data. i have a procedure for this which needs a table in your DB which stores information about the other server and the tables which we going to send over two servers
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