Love it :) got it during Black Friday sale so great deal for a great toy! M from Saint Catharines, ON Feb 19, 2013 5.0 Nephew cannot put it down I bought the system for my nephew. Ryan from Surrey, BC Jan 30, 2013 4.0 3DS XL - nice upgrade Have ended up buying two of these for the kids in the past two months and they both are ecstatic with the product, as was I as a parent
Editorial: Nintendo's Heading For a Period of Major Change, and We Can't Fight It - Nintendo Life
Surely others would too...? All I want is a unified device.Surely the same thing would also have massive appeal to 8 year olds.Nintendo is the industry leader in hand-held gaming. The longer they fail and the longer they go losing money, market share, or relevance, the more money it's going to cost to turn things around.They are hovering at a position now where they very clearly lack the resources to support two platforms entirely by themselves, which is why upcoming release schedules for the 3DS and Wii U look extra sparse (the other reason being that 3rd parties left because they made no money here).Without 3rd party support, Nintendo cannot grow or advance, and it's arguable if they could even survive
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However, scenes that display extremely high-contrast visuals (for example, if a bright object is displayed on a dark background) can make the lack of complete image isolation more noticeable. Try the following to improve the microphone's response: Hold the system at a different angle Reduce background noise Blow across the microphone instead of directly into it Perform a Mic Test (How to) If the microphone works during the test, check the software manual to make sure the game or application being played supports the microphone feature
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Nintendo Animal Crossing New Leaf (Nintendo 3DS) -
Create cool patterns for clothing or furniture, build new structures in your own, design gardens and museum displays, and so much more.New Day, New Discoveries - Time passes in the world of Animal Crossing just as it does in real life. If you loved the GC version you will love this!!!! AC fans rejoice!!!!!! Was this review helpful? Yes (86) No (6) Report Thank you! You have successfully submitted feedback for this review
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