Monday, 20 July 2015

Why don jehovah witnesses celebrate holidays or birthdays

Top sites by search query "why don jehovah witnesses celebrate holidays or birthdays"

Brave High School Student Exposes Abuse And Corruption Within Jehovahs Witnesses
Home Send Us A Press Release About Lybio Dot Net Submit ACCURATE LYBIO TOS DMCA Copyright Is A Movement For Internet Online Accuracy For Speeches, Text, Words, Quotes and Lyrics., 2015 . She told me the biggest problem I have with this religion is that it allows people, like my parents, to use it as a front for their criminal activity and the terrible lives they lead
Unfortunately, many of my other JW childhood friends did not fare so well, suffering a great deal of physical and verbal abuse, growing up with many social and mental handicaps. I can truthfully attest that my parents, who were both faithful Witnesses from the time I was 9 years old, were very loving and dedicated to the success of their children
And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. Is Jesus coming to be crucified for a second time? Brenda Murphy says: December 4, 2014 at 7:56 pm No, Christ is not coming back to be crucified the second time, for he died once for all, as the Bible says
But there are many other matters which also have to be taken into account and it would be quite wrong for anyone to assume, in any dispute between two parents of whom one is and the other is not a Jehovah's Witness, that the custody and care and control of their child will necessarily, or even more often than not, be given to the latter. Where the practice of that religion involves a lifestyle which conflicts with the lifestyle of the other parent and the court is satisfied that that conflict has had or may in the future have an impact on the child's welfare the court is entitled to restrict the child's involvement in those practices
The governing body says that the scripture was referring to a group of Christians from 1935 onward and that is how we get our little flock- great crowd teaching. I spent 8 years in full time JW service when I was active at the KH and that is what Saturdays were nearly always filled with, along with a generous coffee break and more visiting among my fellow Witnesses
All believers will be able to live in both Heaven and Earth and be able to go back and forth between both places like Jesus did in His resurrected body

The Pope's Cousin is a Jehovah's Witness! - Catholic Answers Forums
Acts 20:16 For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not have to spend time in Asia; for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of Pentecost. A True and Devoted JW should go back and really do a History Check on your Own Religion, you will find many changes over the years and many predictions that fell through about when Jesus was comming back
Thanks to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the loving support of Christian family members outside of the Watchtower, Frank found the REAL Jesus and is experiencing true spiritual freedom daily in the Word of God.PattyLeft 24 years in the Watchtower to find peace and joy in JesusPatty was Born and raised as a Christian but was never grounded in the Word of God. Her family followed the teaching of Russell and became special pioneers, putting in 150 hours a month in door to door ministry, traveling from town to town in the Midwest and showing his photodrama of creation
Later history of Christmas in Europe and America By the early Middle Ages Christmas had come to mark the beginning of the calendar year and was celebrated as a civil holiday in Europe. It stems from a tradition about the Hebrew patriarchs who were supposed to have lived a full number of years, since the perfection of God could not have tolerated the imperfection of fractions! In this belief the patriarchs were said to have died on their birthday
Perhaps the father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle or aunt, who has not joined the Watch Tower religion, would appreciate some recognition on these special days. Furthermore, before baptism, he must submit to a quite lengthy questionnaire (usually subdivided into three series of some thirty questions each, spread over three sessions taking place over several days or weeks)

Which religions don't celebrate birthdays? - Mothering Forums
However, there are many scholars who have also allowed cultual celebrations as long as their observance does not conflict with Islamic religious teachings, so you will see Muslims who do celebrate birthdays and Thanksgiving but not Christmas, Easter, or Halloween as these are holidays tied to specific religious observances of other religions. which is, of course, a sin." I just don't understand the difference between celebrating a birthday and an anniversary or wedding? What's the difference? I know a Jehovah's Witness woman who thinks it is abolutely horrific to recognize a child's birthday

Responses to Jehovah's Witnesses (page 1)
Was Jesus asking himself why has he forsaken himself? My answer: Do you really want to know what Jesus was saying in those Scriptures? First of all, it must be noted that Jesus is here quoting words from Psalm 22. Why do you spend so much time talking about it? Shouldn't we concentrate on the things Jesus said and what did when he was here on earth? My answer: I'm sorry that Jesus' crucifixion is an object of horror and loathing for you
My mother asked one of the elders to tell her what blood derivatives he thought would be okay and he told her it was for her to decide as a matter of conscience and he would not try to influence her decision. As girls my sister and I where treated as less than, our clothing, our ability to share our opinion, our curfew, our roles, our futures where all considered to be secondary to the males in our family and in the church
If they were aware of the Jew's belief in a coming king, where do you think that they would look to find the king? Joe: Jerusalem was the logical choice as it was the capital city and had the throne of king Herod. Joe: It says, "When they had heard the king, they went their way; and, look! the star they had seen (when they were) in the east went ahead of them, until it came to a stop above where the young child was." Chris: Joe, did the star lead the magi to Jesus? Joe: Yes, it did
ALL religious holidays ALL political holidays ALL holidays that honor anyone or anything other than God Why Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Celebrate These Holidays. If 'salvation comes from the Lord', why is the Watchtower organization given so much importance on a daily basis? Why does God need to be obeyed AND Watchtower officials? Here's what the Watchtower says

Jehovah's Witness stance against Birthday Celebrations and why it is wrong
If we are to assume the inclusion of something bad in the Bible is to warn against such things, despite no statement to that affect, then endless more rules can be conjured. Why does the Watchtower not hold birthdays to the same standard? 2 Samuel contains the only instance where a siesta is mentioned in the Bible, and results in a beheading

Why Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Celebrate Mother's Day.
( See Memorial Celebration ) Why? Because the Watchtower teaches that only 144,000 go to heaven and ONLY these 'anointed' ones are in a relationship with Jesus. The Watchtower says this, 'And should we not strive to be obedient and submissive to those taking the lead in our local congregation?' WT, Nov 15, 2009, Article: 'Treasure Your Place in the Congregation', par 5
There are but only TWO instances of the custom of annual celebration of birthdays recorded in the Bible and it is of great noteworthiness to seekers of God's TRUTH (be such ones members of Jehovah's Witnesses or not) that on BOTH occasions THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED WERE NOT GOD'S FAITHFUL WORSHIPPERS and the events of the celebration were obviously unrighteous. You just won't find US participating (for reasons already stated) and we simply would like people to mutually respect our right and choice NOT to do so
As a result December 25th the day that pagans worshiped the sun in the sky, was victoriously taken back for God in order to honor and adore God's gift of His Son. After all, Chris, did Jehovah ever command Christians to celebrate the birth of his son? Chris: There is no direct command but I believe that there is a precedence in scripture that allows God's people to have the freedom to chose their own holiday in order to celebrate God's gift of life sent in the person of God's son

Defend Jehovah's Witnesses: Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate St. Valentine's Day?
10 months ago Defending The New World Translation Luke 23:43 - Punctuation and the New World Translation; "Truly I tell you today,..." - On occasion, opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses attempt to attack the scholarship and honesty of the translators of the New World Translation Bible. (Read entire article) "New Light" - Opposers Aren't Even Using the Correct Phrase "...So rather than rejecting Jehovah's Witnesses understandings of Scripture simply because they progress in their understanding of it, this should be recognized as a comendable effort!" (Read entire article) Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Refuse Blood Transfusions? Jehovah's Witnesses do not consume, donate or transfuse blood, because..

Defend Jehovah's Witnesses: Jehovah's Witnesses and Birthdays - Why Don't They Celebrate?
10 months ago Defending The New World Translation Luke 23:43 - Punctuation and the New World Translation; "Truly I tell you today,..." - On occasion, opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses attempt to attack the scholarship and honesty of the translators of the New World Translation Bible. Likewise, just as the early Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses today view these things seriously because they are aware that Jehovah God views these things very seriously

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