The Bureau operates a network of ozone monitoring stations (at Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin, and Macquarie Island), where the total amount of ozone above the station (total column ozone) is measured several times every day. When did the Antarctic Ozone Hole first appear? In the early 1980s, the British Antarctic Survey noticed that springtime ozone values measured by their Dobson spectrometer at Halley since 1958 had been dropping since the 1970s
The Evolution of the Cell
The endosymbiotic theory describes how a large host cell and ingested bacteria could easily become dependent on one another for survival, resulting in a permanent relationship. Archaea: Models for Astrobiology Archaea survive today in extremely harsh environments, such as evaporative salt ponds on the edge of Great Salt Lake (above) and the boiling hot springs of Yellowstone National Park (right)
CFCs escaping from airconditioners and refrigerators in the nothern hemisphere sneaking down to the antarctic where these rather heavy molecules were magically lifted up against gravity to go up into the stratosphere where they were disassociated into chlorine atoms while ocean spray chlorine ions were washed out of the atmosphere by rain just like the chlorine atoms injected into the stratosphere by an active volcano down there. Surely, if we calculate the volume of ozone in the collar we could see if it can be distributed over the hole demonstrating how much, if any, ozone has been actually lost
In both cases, life "as we know it" would be impossible, and many chemists believe that life "as we know it" is the only type possible using chemical processes! I hope that this has begun to answer your question. The reason that plants (in the daytime) give off more oxygen than they use is that, when they make food using the energy in sunlight, they change carbon dioxide and water into food and oxygen
Or use it to create really cool photo slideshows - with 2D and 3D transitions, animation, and your choice of music - that you can share with your Facebook friends or Google+ circles. We'll even convert your presentations and slide shows into the universal Flash format with all their original multimedia glory, including animation, 2D and 3D transition effects, embedded music or other audio, or even video embedded in slides
Where is good and bad ozone located? Click the image below to open the Interactive Atmosphere to see where the different parts of the atmosphere are located. Without this protective shield, all animal life (not just humans) would be more susceptible to cancer, impaired immune systems, and eye problems like cataracts
NASA has been monitoring the status of the ozone layer through satellite observations since the 1970s, beginning with the TOMS sensors on the Nimbus satellites. For example, the National Ozone Expedition (NOZE) measured elevated levels of the chemical chlorine dioxide (OClO) during the springtime ozone hole from McMurdo Research Station
Whales and other fishes have plankton as their main food, and if plankton die because of these UV rays, whales will start dying too, because they will not have anything to eat. THE OZONE HOLE ON ANIMALS AND PLANTS UV rays can go through water and end up killing small water animals or plants, called 'plankton' which form the base of the food chain in oceans and seas
Please find below links to selected publications by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) related to environmental and health effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, its monitoring, and regulation. Worrest, former Senior Research Scientist at CIESIN, created a bibliography consisting of scientific papers and materials related to the environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion
Layers of Earth's Atmosphere - Windows to the Universe
So, the more active the Sun, the thicker the ionosphere! This image shows how different types of solar radiation (x-rays to infrared radiation) penetrate into the Earth's atmosphere. Due to increases in gases, like carbon dioxide, that trap heat being radiated from the Earth, scientists believe that the atmosphere is having trouble staying in balance creating the greenhouse effect
WebLessons: Fixing the Ozone Hole
What is the relationship between the temperature in the Antarctic and the size of the ozone hole? Answer: When the temperatures drop to their lowest levels, more ozone is destroyed, so the hole gets larger. Why was the ozone layer getting thin? What caused the hole? How big is it today? What are people doing to stop it? You will explore this scientific puzzle in this lesson, and you will find out how you can help protect the ozone
The Ozone Hole-Ozone Destruction
In polar regions, surface reactions that occur at low temperatures on polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) greatly increase the abundance of the most reactive chlorine gas, chlorine monoxide (ClO) . Observations show that halogen source gases and reactive halogen gases are present in the stratosphere at the amounts required to cause observed ozone depletion
Module Overview
Unstable, interesting, and improbable reactions happen all the time, thanks to cycles! Concluding Thoughts We suggest you use this module to encourage your students to explore the cycles that make up their world. Whether the life turns out to be intelligent, technological, or simply microbial, such a discovery would provide evidence that we are not alone, that life (in one form or another) is widespread in a universe that suddenly seems less stark and empty
The ozone layer and its depletion
As world-wide controls reduce the release of CFCsand other ozone-eating substances, nature will repairthe ozone layer.By year 2065 stratospheric ozone should return to theamount present in 1980.Until then, we can expect higher levels of UVradiation at the Earths surface. It is thickestnear the surface and thins out with height until iteventually merges with space.1) The troposphere is the first layer above the surface andcontains half of the Earths atmosphere
Therefore, and I am sure that Al Gore does not know that, the more humans there are on Earth and the more CO2 they produce, the more Ozone there will be and the more all life on Earth will be protected against cancer-causing UV radiation. Who would have guessed Steve Schaper says: October 7, 2011 at 10:47 am Would not the water bound to sulfur be a more likely source for the 03? Even the ice moons have very tenuous oxygen atmospheres
Introduction to How the Ozone Layer Works - HowStuffWorks
produce and import? Why do small changes in Earth's temperature have a big impact? Most Popular Most Popular 10 Outrageous Experiments Conducted on Humans What if you painted a room with nail polish? How Donating Your Body to Science Works Were U.S
The value of 220 Dobson Units is chosen since total ozone values of less than 220 Dobson Units were not found in the historic observations over Antarctica prior to 1979. What is the ozone hole? Each year for the past few decades during the Southern Hemisphere spring, chemical reactions involving chlorine and bromine cause ozone in the southern polar region to be destroyed rapidly and severely
Mark says: August 1, 2013 at 3:20 am I started a petition on my facebook page and am looking for people to sign, It will go on credo once I get another 75 people to sign, Mark Willner Reply DA LOLOKIMO says: August 4, 2013 at 10:40 pm The weather planetwide, has chanhed, polar shift. Norm Keegel says: August 1, 2013 at 7:11 am In what part of Northern California have the leaves and bark of trees been affected? How big is this area? What towns are in it? Reply admin says: August 1, 2013 at 2:19 pm Not all species Norm, but most show signs of burning and scorching, even conifers
What Will Happen to Life on Earth if Ozone Depletion Continues?
Fears About Plankton: The Basis of the Food Chain How Ozone Depletion will Affect Global Plant Life Ozone And Other Greenhouse Gases How Ozone Damage has Affected the Lives of People in Chile Why Antarctica? Countries Most at Risk from Ozone Depletion What Will Happen to Life on Earth if Ozone Depletion Continues? Our Most Popular... Exposure to higher levels of UV-B can stunt the growth and photosynthesis of a variety of crops such as maize, rye and sunflowers and can also affect the reproductive capacity of aquatic life
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Adopted on September 16, 1987 and amended four times, this treaty is the basis on which Title VI of the Clean Air Act was established. Over the past 20 years, EPA is proud to have been part of a broad coalition that developed and implemented flexible, innovative, and effective approaches to ensure stratospheric ozone layer protection
(Think of a very bad sunburn, only much worse!) Plants cannot live and grow in heavy ultraviolet radiation, nor can the plankton that serve as food for most of the ocean life. Why Is Ozone Important? How ozone protects us Ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that protects everything living on the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the Sun
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